
Showing posts from April, 2019

Live & Travel III

- Survival English - Before the airport: - Depending on the country you’ll need a visa. However, there are more than 150 countries which Brazilians can visit without having a visa. - Read about the culture and laws of the country. - Make a copy of your documents (ID, Passport, Driver’s license). - Never travel without a medical insurance. - Don’t take all of your money in cash. - Always be polite. ____________________________________________________________________ Vocabulary: parts of an airport: - A duty free shop: a shop where you don’t have to pay taxes on the goods you have. - A departure lounge : the part of the airport where you wait before you get onto the plane. - A gate: where you go to get onto your flight. - A control tower : the building in an airport which tells planes when it is safe for them to take off or land. - A runaway: the part of an airport, like a road, which planes use when arriving or departing. _______________________________________________...

Live & Travel II

Wanderlust  - Wanderlust is a German word which doesn't have a translation neither for English or to Portuguese languages.  Let's see the meaning  (significado) in English: -  A strong desire for or impulse to wander or travel and explore the world. - An irresistible desire to travel to understand one’s very existence. Example: I'm a wanderlust person. In my case, I am also have a tatoo written Wanderlust! I love this word and its meaning.  Answer in the comments: Are you a wanderlust person? To wander (v erb)   : vaguear, perambular, percorrer Ex: I love being outdoors, just wandering and enjoying nature!

Live & Travel I

What is the difference between t rip and t ravel ? - First of all, trip is a noun and travel is a verb. Let's see a few examples to get the meaning from context: My family travel s every year. I am going to travel in October. I want to travel all over the world. When are you going to travel? ______________________________________________________________ Now, some examples using trip : Q: How is your trip going? A: My trip is going really well. I met many interesting people - Our girls trip was great! Q: When was your last trip ? Where did you go? A: My last trip was last month. I went to Arraial D’Ajuda. Language tip: Bad trip (normally used when talking about the use of toxic substances, such as alcohol, weed, acid). - I got drunk yesterday and it was such a bad trip