Why I've been using Instagram only on Saturdays

Of course, I gotta tell you the sentence is not accurate enough and It definitely depends on the week. But I think it's worthed the shot to tell you what I've been doing it and how this has changed my life. 
Things started to change in January/2019 when I started to decrease the amount of hours I spent on Instagram. As a normal human being I struggle sometimes to excel in finishing all of the duties in my daily routine 💭 and I realized that besides the normal complain about "not having enough time" we have been spending an enormous amount of time on social media checking other people's lives. And not focusing on our own things. Even judgement is part that, everytime you check someone's life on Instagram and judge other's decisions, lifestyle, outfit or whatever, the only thing you're really doing is not focusing on your own life. And this can happens for hours a day. 
I know I like using Instagram. and I'm also a procrastinator. But besides the regular routine of working, living to pay the bills, I believe life can be more than that. And we just have the same amount of hours to use like everyone else. And that's why time management and prioritizing can be so important for your future. But I realized Instagram would always sucked me to other dimension.  Sometimes I'd reach my phone to look for an specific info but instead of doing that I'd open Instagram. That was crazy!!! 😔
 After I started decreasing my amount of time on IG I realized how paying attention to other people's lives is much easier than focusing on ours. Furthermore, in the end of January of 2019 I started using Instagram once a week, mostly on Saturdays. And here are some of my epiphanies since I started this journey. 

💭 I have  more time than I thought to do everything I would like to do (learn Hungarian, learn how to play an ukulele or read a book), 
💭 It's easier to not compare my life to others and because of that I could reduce my anxiety levels
⚡ I have more time in your own thoughts thinking about my own life
⚡ I can think about what is really important to you
💭 I realized how important it is to get to know myself instead of taking other ideas of success to apply in your life without thinking about it
💭 I just know about other people if they tell me or if someone's else tell me

For this reason, I believe the experience has been chaning my life, even though sometimes I'm still being sucked to IG app.  This post is not just something for you to try out but a reminder for myself. From time to time I need to remember why I'm doing that. 
If someone out here already thought that our relationship with social media is toxic and if you want to try it out, I definitely support you! 
⚡ If you try doing that, let me know on the comments!
As a normal person who is likely to fail, it's important to create some boundaries to avoid failure. That's why I normally download IG on Saturday morning and exclude it on Saturday night.

If you see me around on IG other time, this is me failing, but it's okay. 

Lara Góes: https://www.instagram.com/laragoes_/


  1. I support your opinion on instagram, because when I need to focus on a task, it is necessary to exclude it, otherwise the goals are not met.


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